Entradas populares

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013


» Faraones
» Pirámides
» Nefertiti
» Cleopatra
» Oro


Pegasus is a winged horse. Its name comes from the Greek word phGH, meaning spring, it is said he was born in Ocean sources.

There are several versions of his birth. On one side it said he was born Gorgona neck when Perseus killed at sea. In this perspective, is that his father is Poseidon, and his twin brother Chrysaor. Once born, Pegasus was the Olympus, which was under the command of Zeus, to bring the beam.

The most important role of Pegasus is in the legend of Bellerophon, on which there are different arguments. On one hand, it was said that had been given to Pegasus Bellerophon by Athena. According to other stories was Poseidon gave the horse the Bellerophon.

Also told that the hero had found, when the source of drinking Pirene. It was thanks to Pegasus and Bellerophon killed the Chimera could achieve alone and victory over the Amazons. When Bellerophon dies, Pegasus returned to the abode of the gods. Later, there was the singing contest that pitted the Muses the daughters of Piero.

Mount Helicon was very pleased by the beauty of the voices, so it started to grow threatening to get to heaven. Seeing the danger, Poseidon Pegaso ordered to go and hit the mountain with one of their helmets to order qe back to normal size, to which the mountain meekly obeyed. But where had beaten Pegasus sprang the fountain Hippocrene, or the Horse Source.

Finally, Zeus became Constellation, to be eternal. When this happened, a feather of his wings fell near Tarsus, and so the city took its name.


The Lascaux Cave

The Lascaux cave is located southwest of France. It is the highest area of habitats Paleolithic sites in Europe.

The section of the cave is divided into seven sections:
» La sala de toros
» El diverticulo axial
» El gabinete de los felinos
» Abside
» El pozo

Identify the findings of this place makes the story interesting as relates how the human being from his early hits "Art" Not only to build places to live, to hunt, to manufacture their own clothing and hunting tools, also arises "Paint".

It is a big question for scientists managed to identify as the accuracy and precision of the things they did, no one knows for sure whether these were the principles of astronomy.

The Lascaux cave paintings are identified as showing precise times of the year, day of the year, the facets of the moon, the constellation of stars, solstices, among other things. It is doubt as they know and have come what say that everything is mere coincidence.
Today, studies are conducted to identify the accuracy of the findings. During the Paleolithic era were discovered several interesting things. It's good that our roots stem from an extraordinary time.

5 Razones y Beneficios de saber Historia del Arte

1.- Podras tener conocimientos arquitectonicos.

2.-Saber mas de la histiria de nuestros antepasados y origenes.

3.- Conocer los tipos de arte, pinturas, figuras, esculturas, etc.

4.- Cultura General.

5.- Saber apreciar los detalles y construccion de importantes obras en el mundo, como las maravillas y saber sobre sus inicios.